A Deep Foundation

Dr. Yang learned ancient arts that were passed on to him in the traditional way: through apprenticeship. Having learned from legendary masters in the martial and healing arts, and having attained his own mastery through diligent practice, he has the deep foundation needed to convey ancient practices for modern use in cultivating optimal health.

Scientific from the Start

Dr. Yang was training at an engineering school in his early 20s at the same time that he was deeply involved in his apprenticeship in the traditional martial and healing arts. Because of this dual focus, he closely analyzed his traditional training from a systematic, empirical point of view. His traditional training proved powerfully effective, and over the years, Yang has pursued his scientific curiosity to find out why. He wondered which elements of the practices produce health benefits? Which practices, when combined, act synergistically? What is the most efficient way to derive maximum benefits?  To explore this scientifically he completed  a doctorate in kinesiology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. This approach — both traditional and empirical, ancient and modern — has guided him in developing his command of the art and his teaching.